Tell me why game voice actors
Tell me why game voice actors

tell me why game voice actors tell me why game voice actors

But the game modder's decision also raises questions about the agency that performers have over their own voices, as well as the artistry involved in bringing characters to life. Part of the problem mirrors the rise of automation in any other industry - performers told Input that they're nervous that game studios might try to replace them with sophisticated algorithms in order to save a few bucks.

tell me why game voice actors

The modder, who goes by the handle nikich340, trained an AI algorithm on voice actor Doug Cockle's performance as Geralt, the game's main character, and then had it spit out all-new lines of dialogue in his voice - a development that's causing anxiety for human voice performers. "Replacing actors with AI is not only a legal minefield but an utterly soulless choice." Starving ActorsĪ game modder recently released an unofficial update to the popular game "The Witcher 3," which was a welcome addition for fans of the series.īut the new mod comes with an extra side of controversy, Input Magazine reports.

Tell me why game voice actors